What is EmailNOW?

Enhanced Outgoing Email

EmailNOW removes the requirement to have Microsoft Outlook and use the Outlook Plug-in to send personalized emails from patientNOW and have them automatically stored in the patient's chart.

Many of the outgoing email settings (e.g. SMTP settings, email signature) are now stored at the user level. This allows the email to appear as if an individual sent it instead of the patientNOW system.

The patientNOW SMTP settings support TLS encryption as of version 7.0.162.

Identify and Configure your Email Settings

Before you sit down to configure your practice you will need to get some information from your IT Administrator. For additional information, check out

Once you've collected the necessary information, you may configure both the practice and individual email accounts. For additional information, check out

Send an Email to a Patient

After configuring the practice settings and the user settings, you are ready to send email! For additional information, check out Sending a Personalized Email to a Patient

EmailNOW Webinar